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Satgas Pamwil Bantu Evakuasi Delagasi KTT G20
Letternews.net — Teroris selalu berusaha dengan berbagai cara untuk menggagalkan kegiatan Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) G20, diantaranya teroris telah berhasil menyandara beberapa orang pejabat VVIP yang disekap di Gedung Kampus Tzinghua Sea di Kawasan Bali Turtle Island Development (BTID), Kelurahan Serangan, Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan, Kota Denpasar, Provinsi Bali.
Mengetahui lokasi persembunyian para teroris, Dansatgas Passus Mayjen TNI Joko Purwo Putranto, M.Sc., langsung memerintahkan anggotanya melaksanakan pembebasan sandera diawali dari 16 penerjun malam yang mendarat di seputaran Kampus, sedangkan Tim Aksi Khusus dari laut juga melaksanakan pendaratan dan pengintaian serta menyabotase Gardu Listrik yang berada di seputaran Sasaran.
Pada saat listrik telah mati total, Tim Aksi Kusus melaksanakan penyerbuan ke dalam gedung, sementara di luar gedung terdapat personel yang melaksanakan Pasrofing dari Helikopter dan selanjutnya membantu sterilisasi ruangan. Setelah ruangan dinyatakan steril, para sandera/Pejabat VVIP berhasil diselamatkan dan dievakuasi dengan kendaraan lapis baja.
Penyerbuan tersebut merupakan skenario latihan Satuan Tugas Pasukan Khusus (Satgas Passus) dari Komando Operasi Khusus (Koopssus) TNI yang menggelar simulasi pengamanan antiteror menjelang puncak perhelatan KTT G20 yang dilaksanakan di Kampus Tsinghua Sea Kawasan Bali Turtle Island Development (BTID), pada Rabu (9/11/2022) malam.
Kemudian, Pangdam IX/Udayana Mayjen TNI Sonny Aprianto, S.E., M.M., selaku Dansatgas Pamwil juga mengerahkan seluruh personel Satgas Pamwil untuk membantu Passus TNI dengan mengamankan sepanjang rute yang dilalui oleh Satgas Passus dalam mengavakuasi para delegasi KTT G20 ke tempat aman yang telah ditentukan.
Sementara itu, Panglima TNI Jenderal TNI Andika Perkasa yang menyaksikan secara langsung simulasi tersebut menyampaikan bahwa secara umum tahapan pelaksanaaan simulasi pembebasan sandera yang dilaksanakan cukup baik, namun di sisi lain harus lebih teliti dalam pelaksanaan pembersihan dari ruangan ke ruangan.
“Saya harapkan kalian wajib untuk mengenali lokasi atau sektor secara rinci sesuai dengan sektor pengamanan terhadap para Peserta G20 maupun sektor yang telah diberikan oleh Dansatgas Passus kepada kalian,” demikian tegas Panglima TNI. (LN/PEN)
TNI Special Force Attack Tzinghua Sea Campus, Regional Security Task Force Assists the Evacuation of G20 Summit Delegates
Letternews.net — Terrorists always try in various ways to thwart the activities of G20 Summit, including terrorists who have succeeded in taking several VVIP officials who were held captive in Tzinghua Sea Campus Building in the Bali Turtle Island Development (BTID) area, Serangan Village, Denpasar District South, Denpasar City, Bali Province.
Knowing the hiding locations of the terrorists, Special Forces Task Force Commander General Major TNI Joko Purwo Putranto, M.Sc., immediately ordered his members to carry out the release of hostages starting with 16 night skydivers who landed around Campus, while the Special Action Team from the sea also carried out landing and reconnaissance and sabotaged the substation electricity in the vicinity of the Target.
When the electricity was completely cut off, the Special Action Team carried out raids into the building, while outside the building there were personnel who carried out Pasrofing from the helicopter and then assisted sterilization of the room. After the room was declared sterile, the hostages/VVIP officials were rescued and evacuated by armored vehicles.
The raid was a training scenario for the Special Forces Task Force (Satgas Passus) from the Indonesian National Army Special Operations Command (Koopssus TNI) which held an anti-terror security simulation ahead the peak of G20 Summit which was held at Tsinghua Sea Campus in the Bali Turtle Island Development (BTID) area, on Wednesday (9 /11/2022) night.
Then, Pangdam IX/Udayana General Major TNI Sonny Aprianto, S.E., M.M., as the Regional Security Task Force Commander also mobilized all Regional Security Task Force personnel to assist TNI Special Forces by securing along the route traversed by the Special Forces Task Force in evacuating the G20 Summit delegates to a predetermined safe place.
Meanwhile, the Commander of Indonesian National Armed Force (Panglima TNI), General TNI Andika Perkasa, who witnessed the simulation firsthand, said that in general the stages of implementing the hostage release simulation were quite good, but on the other hand, they had to be more careful in carrying out the cleaning from room to room.
“I hope that you are obliged to identify the location or sector in detail in accordance with the security sector for the G20 Participants and the sector that has been given to you by the Special Forces Task Force Commander,” said the Panglima TNI. (LN/PEN)